We Are a Keystone Star 4 Daycare
With a Biblical Basis!

Here at Time to Succeed we are state certified and licensed. We have also gone above and beyond the requirements to simply "run a day care". We participate in the State's Keystone STARS program while focusing on Bible based teachings to develop a Christian environment.
Here is some information on the Keystone STARS program. To learn more please visit the official Keystone STARS website. Quality early learning is crucial to our children’s intellectual, social, and emotional development. The benefits that children and families experience from quality early learning opportunities extend to all of our communities, making it possible for parents to work and build a stable family structure for their children. In addition, by increasing our children’s success in school and in life we will create a stronger workforce and tax base.

Keystone STARS - Improving the quality through:Standards Training/Professional Development Assistance, Resources and Support.
Keystone STARS is an initiative of the Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) to improve, support, and recognize the continuous quality improvement efforts of early learning programs in Pennsylvania.The Keystone STARS Performance Standards provide the foundation for the program.
The Performance Standards are grouped into four levels:STAR 1, STAR 2, STAR 3, and STAR 4.Each level builds on the previous level and utilizes research-based best practices to promote quality early learning environments and positive child outcomes. The standards address staff qualifications and professional development, the early learning program, partnerships with family and community, and leadership and management.
Keystone STARS is managed through a partnership of the Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) and the Pennsylvania and Regional Keys.Programs that increase access to quality early learning, such as those administered by Pennsylvania's Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) and its partners, are a vital part of Pennsylvania’s overall goal to make the commonwealth an attractive place to live and work.